Clean air is a necessity for life on this planet. When we don’t have access to unpolluted air, it affects our breathing and our lungs and can lead to asthma, allergies, and other permanent respiratory issues.
In the enclosed environment of a building where the air is recycled, it is important to make sure people residing or working there have access to clean air. In today’s blog, the AC maintenance experts at Billfish Air Conditioning, LLC will be discussing the signs to look for when your HVAC system’s ducts might be in need of some deep cleaning.
The Air Filter On Your HVAC System Hasn’t Been Changed For Awhile
Unless your residence is located in an apartment complex that has an attentive maintenance team, it’s usually up to you to replace the filters in your HVAC system. Unfortunately, many people only bother to check the filters when another issue arises in their system, and as a result, those filters tend to get clogged with excessive amounts of dirt and dust. Excess detritus on a filter leads to excess detritus inside the ducts, so it’s important to replace HVAC filters on a regular basis.
Most AC repair services suggest that owners replace their HVAC filters at least every two to four months, especially in buildings where allergy sufferers may be working or residing. If you’ve spent a lot of time avoiding putting new filters in your own HVAC system, you may have dirty vents. Contact an HVAC professional to have them look at your ductwork to make sure it’s clean enough for everyday operation.
Vent Covers Have Visible Signs Of Dust
A layer of dust on top of vents and registers can indicate dirty vents. In cleaner interior environments, this dust buildup will be even more obvious to the naked eye, so it’s usually not difficult to surmise where the dust is coming from. If you’ve spotted a layer of dust on top of your home’s or business’s HVAC vents and registers, call your local air conditioning service to have them make a diagnosis.
You Hear Unusual Noises In The Vents
Living with an HVAC system for months or years has the benefit of making you familiar with the sounds that come from it while it’s running. The gentle swooshing sound of the air flowing through the vents or the hum of the motor is both something human ears become adjusted to, so when weird noises start coming from the ducts, it becomes pretty obvious that something else is making that additional sound.
Whether the cause is from mice invading your ducts or loose detritus banging around the inside of your system, an HVAC professional can surmise exactly what is causing unwanted noise in your ductwork and take steps to track it down and eliminate it.
The Ducts Are Infested With Vermin
It may seem like a strange place for pests to make their home, but ducts are perfect locations for vermin nests. Because of the way they are designed, ducts can make easy targets for pests, especially when those ducts are poorly constructed and installed; exposed seams, cracked duct walls, and poor sealing is all things that invading pests look for when scouting your residence or business for an easy entry point. Mice, rats, squirrels, and, cockroaches, bees, and wasps are all pests that are capable of gaining entry into your HVAC ducts from the outside.
If you suspect that your HVAC system has been taken over by vermin, contact your local HVAC company to have them inspect the ductwork and estimate what it will take to rid it of the invaders. Keep in mind that most HVAC companies may not be willing to clean out the vermin themselves and will stick to repairing the ducts, so you may have to get a hold of an exterminator to do the actual pest exterminating.
Mold Is Appearing In Or Around The HVAC system
Spotting mold anywhere is a bad sign, but when it’s mold that is collecting somewhere on your HVAC system, it’s especially troubling. For asthma and allergy sufferers particularly, mold making its way through a ventilation system can lead to breathing problems and long-term negative health effects, so it’s important that mold spotted on vents, registers, air conditioners, and furnaces be taken care of as quickly as possible.
An experienced HVAC technician will be able to diagnose a mold problem, track down the source, and mitigate it using any number of efficient procedures.
Inconsistent Airflow From Room To Room
If you’ve noticed that the rooms in your home or business don’t seem to be getting a consistent level of airflow, you might have dirty ducts in your HVAC system. Dust and dirt buildup can cause vents to clog up, which in turn restricts airflow in the affected sections. Another cause for inconsistent airflow can be improperly installed ductwork, something we’ll be talking about in later blogs.
A certified HVAC company like Billfish Air Conditioning, LLC can get the dust and debris cleaned out of vents using a variety of effective methods. Contact your local HVAC experts to find out how they can help you get cleaner ducts.
Always Trust Billfish Air Conditioning, LLC To Get You The Best Results
Whether you are in need of a brand-new air conditioner or are just looking for an experienced AC installation company to give you an honest consultation, you can trust Billfish Air Conditioning, LLC to get you the best results in Stuart and Martin County. With years of HVAC knowledge under their belts, the folks at Billfish Air Conditioning, LLC will do their best to offer you an affordable resolution that will fit your situation and your budget.
Contact Billfish Air Conditioning, LLC now for the best in residential service and installation, commercial maintenance and air duct replacement, and other HVAC needs.